The Foxlydiate Lane site is located on the western edge of Redditch, approximately 3km west of the town centre, predominantly falling within the administrative boundary of Bromsgrove District but with a small area of land located within Redditch Borough.
Barwood has worked in collaboration with St Philips to achieve the removal of the 136.03ha (336.1 acres) site from green belt designation and allocation for residential development within the adopted Bromsgrove District Plan and Borough of Redditch Local Plan no 4 and in 2022 a hybrid planning application was approved by both Local Authorities for 69.22ha of residential development delivering up to 2,560 dwellings (40% affordable housing) as well as a mixed-use local centre comprising retail, health and community uses, a three form entry (3FE) first school which is located on a site of up to 2.8 ha and nearly 50ha of public open space to include informal and formal open space, existing and proposed structural planting, drainage and play.
Following a Judicial Review of the permission by Bentley Pauncefoot Parish Council (BPPC), a hearing was held at the beginning of December 2022 which was dismissed by the High Court in February 2023. The period in which BPPC can appeal this decision to the Court of Appeal has expired bringing the Judicial Review proceedings to an end with the planning permission intact.